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Other Security Plugins


RESTHeart provides some general purpose security plugins that help hardening the security.


OriginVetoer protects from CSRF attacks by forbidding requests whose Origin header is not whitelisted.

It can configured as follows:

  enabled: true # <---- default is false
    - https://restheart.org
    - http://localhost
  # optional list of paths for whose the Origin header
  # is not checked. values can be absolute paths
  # or patterns like /{var}/path/to/resource/*
  # ignore-paths:
  #   - /{tenant}/bucket.files/{id}/binary
  #   - /coll/docid


A global blacklist for MongoDb query operators in the filter query parameter.

  blacklist: [ "$where" ]
  enabled: true

With this default configuration, the request GET /coll?filter={"$where": "…​."} is forbidden.

Brute Force Attack Guard

bruteForceAttackGuard defends from brute force password cracking attacks by returning 429 Too Many Requests when more than max-failed-attempts requests with wrong credentials are received in last 10 seconds from the same ip

  enabled: false
  # max number of failed attempts in 10 seconds sliding window
  # before returning 429 Too Many Requests
  max-failed-attempts: 5
  # if true, the source ip is obtained from X-Forwarded-For header
  # this requires that header being set by the proxy, dangerous otherwise
  trust-x-forwarded-for: false
  # when X-Forwarded-For has multiple values,
  # take into account the n-th from last element
  # e.g. with [x.x.x.x, y.y.y.y., z.z.z.z, k.k.k.k]
  # 0 -> k.k.k.k
  # 2 -> y.y.y.y
  x-forwarded-for-value-from-last-element: 0

When RESTHeart is behind a reverse proxy, the header X-Forwarded-For should be used in place of the remote ip (which in this case is the reverse proxy’s one).

If several tiers of reverse proxies are in place, x-forwarded-for-value-from-last-element option allows to select the correct value.

Root Role Guard

rootRoleGuard forbids accounts handled by mongoAclAuthorizer to gain the root-role defined by the mongoAclAuthorizer.

rootRoleGuard is enabled by default.

The default authorizer mongoAclAuthorizer enables the root-role: admin by default.

clients with root-role can execute any request.

Although a the root-role is very useful at testing and developing time, it is a security risk to leave it enabled, this is why the security hardening doc page suggests to disable it by setting the configuration option mongoAclAuthorizer.root-role: null.

In any case, an account handled by the mongoRealAuthenticator (that handles accounts with roles in a MongoDb collection) should never gain the root-role via a MongoService write requests as PATCH /users/foo {"roles": ["admin"]}.

The default configuration follows:

  enabled: true