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Authorizers check if the authenticated client can execute the request according to the security policy.

RESTHeart provides two implementations of Authorizer:

Multiple Authorizers can be enabled; an Authorizer can be either a VETOER or an ALLOWER.

A request is allowed when no VETOER denies it and any ALLOWER allows it.


The Authorizer implementation class must implement the org.restheart.plugins.security.Authorizer interface.

public interface Authorizer extends ConfigurablePlugin {

     * @param request
     * @return true if request is allowed
    boolean isAllowed(final Request request);

     * @param request
     * @return true if not authenticated user won't be allowed
    boolean isAuthenticationRequired(final Request request);


The Authorizer class must be annotated with @RegisterPlugin:

        description = "my custom authorizer",
        authorizerType = ALLOWER)
public class MyAuthorizer implements Authorizer {



The Authorizer can receive parameters from the configuration file using the @Inject("config") annotation:

private Map<String, Object> config;

public void init() throws ConfigurationException {
    // get configuration arguments
    int number  = argValue(this.config, "number");
    String string = argValue(this.config, "string");

The parameters are defined in the configuration using the name of the authorizer as defined by the @RegisterPlugins annotation:

    number: 10
    string: a string