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From the Team

  • What’s new in RESTHeart 8: RESTHeart 8 new features and improvements.

  • Easily Create a Star Wars GraphQL API with RESTHeart: How to create a GraphQL API using RESTHeart, inspired by the classic Star Wars characters and episodes

  • RESTHeart with FerretDB: a tutorial: This tutorial introduces FerretDB, an open-source alternative to MongoDB built on PostgreSQL. Utilizing FerretDB in conjunction with RESTHeart, a powerful API server for MongoDB, this guide demonstrates how to set up the FerretDB stack using Docker and interact with it using RESTHeart’s REST API.

  • Json Web Token Authentication for Angular App with Auth0 and RESTHeart : How to create an Angular application that uses the Auth0 service to manage user authentication with RESTHeart.

  • How to create a Web API for AWS DocumentDB : The compatibility of DocumentDB with MongoDB makes RESTHeart an extremely effective tool for creating a RESTful API on top of the Amazon database. So as we would configure RESTHeart to point to a MongoDB database, we can configure it to access a DocumentDB database.

  • JSON Schema — Form Validation, with Angular & RESTHeart: The JSON Schema makes the creation and the validation of a Form activities relatively simple and fast. The functionality of RESTHeart allows us to have an efficient server-side validation system controlled by the JSON Schema, while the Angular Angular6-json-schema-form library transform the JSON Schema in a Form very easily.

  • RESTful API memo: PUT and POST verbs: PUT and POST verbs sometimes can be a source of confusion. Let’s briefly recap how they are supposed to work, by revisiting the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

  • RESTHeart, the REST API Server for MongoDB: RESTHeart leverages MongoDB’s document-oriented nature, creating an automatic mapping between MongoDB’s internal storage of data and a graph of externally accessible HTTP resources, implementing a model of interaction compliant with an HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) representation, where the state of a client process is entirely driven by HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc.

  • RESTHeart Performances: RESTHeart has been designed and developed with lightness and performances as fundamental parameters. On this regards, also thanks to its caching capabilities, RESTHeart often overcomes the results that can be achieved accessing MongoDB directly via its Java driver. This article includes the performance test results gathered by the SoftInstigate’s development team.

  • RESTHeart and NGINX with SSL: This repository shows an example of NGINX as a SSL frontend for RESTHeart 4.0. It uses Docker images to setup a complete stack made with NGINX, RESTHeart and MongoDB. NGINX acts as a HTTPS reverse proxy for RESTHeart and it uses a self-signed certificate for the SSL connection.

From the Community

  • Building Instant RESTFul API’s with MongoDB and RESTHeart:When you need to turn your Mongo database into a RESTFul API, RESTHeart can get you up-and-running quickly. In this article, we’ll explore using RESTHeart to expose a RESTFUL API directly from a Mongo database on Compose.

  • Building Secure Instant API’s with RESTHeart and Compose:Following up on our previous article on using RESTHeart to expose a RESTFUL API directly from a Mongo database on Compose, in this article, we’ll show you how to secure your RESTHeart API by adding authentication and role-base access control, as well as enabling SSL encryption.

  • Launching RESTHeart into Production:Now that we’ve shown you how to build instant RESTFul API’s with RESTHeart and secure your RESTHeart installation, there’s just one more step to building instant, secure API’s from Compose MongoDB: taking RESTHeart into production.