User Management
This section provides instructions on how to create, update and delete users with mongoRealAuthenticator.
It also shows how to manage permissions with mongoAclAuthorizer.
mongoRealAuthenticator uses the collection /users
by default.
Before running the example requests
The following examples assume RESTHeart running on the localhost with the default configuration: the database restheart is bound to /
and the user admin exists with default password secret.
User document
With the default configuration, a user is represented as follows:
"_id": "username",
"roles": [ "list", "of", "roles" ],
"password": "secret"
mongoRealAuthenticatorr can be configured to use different properties for the username, roles an password. Check mongoRealAuthenticator for more information.
Get existing users
GET /users HTTP/1.1
"_id": "admin",
"roles": [
"_etag": {
"$oid": "5d2edb155883c050065d6a8a"
The password is always hidden on GET requests.
For security reasons, it not possbile to use the filter
query parameter on the password field; the following request is forbidden and will cause an error: GET /users?filter={"password":{"$regex":"^a.*"}}
Create a user
POST /users HTTP/1.1
"_id": "foo",
"roles": [ "user" ],
"password": "secret"
The password is automatically encrypted by RESTHeart.
Update a user
PATCH /users/foo HTTP/1.1
"password": "betterSecret"
Delete a user
DELETE /users/foo HTTP/1.1
Create an ACL document
POST /acl HTTP/1.1
"predicate": "path-prefix[/inventory] and method[GET]",
"roles": [ "user" ],
"priority": 1,
"readFilter": null,
"writeFilter": null
If the /acl collection has not been created before and you get 404 Not Found, create if first with:
PUT /acl HTTP/1.1