See Security Overview for an high level view of the RESTHeart security model.
RESTHeart is built around a pluggable architecture. It comes with a strong security implementation but you can easily extend it by implementing plugins. This section documents the authentication plugins available out-of-the-box. You can also develop your own authentication plugins.
Authentication Mechanisms
JWT Authentication
JWT Authentication manages the authentication following the JSON Web Token standard.
The token is verified against the configured issuer
and audience
and according to the specified algorithm
Supported algorithms are the HMAC256, HMAC384, HMAC512, RSA256, RSA384, RSA512.
For HMAC the key
configuration option specifies the secret, for RSA the public key.
enabled: false
algorithm: HS256
key: secret
base64Encoded: false
usernameClaim: sub
rolesClaim: roles
# - admin
issuer: myIssuer
audience: myAudience
Basic Authentication
BasicAuthMechanism manages the Basic Authentication method, where the client credentials are sent via the Authorization
 request header using the format Authorization: Basic base64(id:pwd)
. The configuration allows specifying the Authenticator that will be used to verify the credentials.
enabled: true
authenticator: fileRealmAuthenticator
Avoid browsers to open the login popup window
The Basic and Digest Authentication protocols requires responding with a challenge when the request cannot be authenticated as follows:
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="RESTHeart Realm"
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="RESTHeart Realm",domain="localhost",nonce="Toez71bBUPoNMTU0NDAwNDMzNjEwMXBY+Jp7YX/GVMcxAd61FpY=",opaque="00000000000000000000000000000000",algorithm=MD5,qop="auth"
In browsers this leads to the login popup windows. In our web applications we might want to redirect to a fancy login page when the 401 Unauthorized response code.
To avoid the popup window just add to the request the noauthchallenge
query parameter or the header No-Auth-Challenge
. This will skip the challenge response.
Digest Authentication
DigestAuthMechanism manages the Digest Authentication method. The configuration allows specifying the Authenticator that will be used to verify the credentials.
enabled: true
realm: RESTHeart Realm
domain: localhost
authenticator: fileRealmAuthenticator
Token Authentication
TokenBasicAuthMechanism manages the Basic Authentication method with the actual password replaced by the auth token generated by RESTHeart, i.e. the client credentials are sent via the Authorization
 request header using the format Authorization: Basic base64(id:auth-token)
. It requires a Token Manager to be configured (eg. RndTokenManager).
enabled: true
Identity Authentication
IdentityAuthMechanism just authenticates any request building an BaseAccount with the username and roles specified in the configuration. Useful for testing purposes. Note that enabling this causes the DigestAuthMechanism to fail, you cannot use both.
enabled: false
username: admin
- admin
- user
Watch Authentication mechanisms
Mongo Realm Authenticator
mongoRealAuthenticator authenticates users defined in a MongoDB collection.
Mongo Realm Authenticator is suggested for production usage.
The configuration allows:
- defining the collection to use (
), the properties of the user document to use as user id, password and roles (prop-id
). - enabling hashed password using the strong bcrypt hashing algorithm (
); note that the password is automatically hashed on write requests and that the password property is automatically removed from responses. - allows initializing the users collection and the admin user if not existing. See
option. - allows controlling the users caching.
users-db: restheart
users-collection: users
prop-id: _id
prop-password: password
json-path-roles: $.roles
bcrypt-hashed-password: true
bcrypt-complexity: 12
create-user: true
create-user-document: '{"_id": "admin", "password": "$2a$12$lZiMMNJ6pkyg4uq/I1cF5uxzUbU25aXHtg7W7sD2ED7DG1wzUoo6u", "roles": ["admin"]}'
# create-user-document.password must be hashed when bcrypt-hashed-password=true
# default password is 'secret'
# see but replace initial '$2y' with '$2a'
cache-enabled: false
cache-size: 1000
cache-ttl: 60000
cache-expire-policy: AFTER_WRITE
File Realm Authenticator
fileRealmAuthenticator defines users credentials and roles in a simple yml configuration file.
enabled: true
conf-file: ./etc/users.yml
See users.yml for an example users definition.
Token Managers
Random Token Manager
rndTokenService generates an auth token using a random number generator. It has two arguments, ttl
, which is the tokens Time To Live in minutes, and srv-uri
the URI of the service that allows to get and invalidate the user auth token.
enabled: true
ttl: 15
srv-uri: /tokens