Develop Core Plugins


Plugins allow to extend RESTHeart:

  • Services extend the API adding web services.
  • Interceptors snoop and modify requests and responses at different stages of the request lifecycle.
  • Initializers execute initialization logic at system startup time.

It is also possible developing security plugins to customize the security layer. Refer to Develop Security Plugins for more information.

For code examples of Plugins please refer to RESTHeart Examples repository on GitHub.

Watch Introduction


The only required dependency to develop a plugin is restheart-commons.

With maven:


@RegisterPlugin annotation

All plugins must be a annotated with @RegisterPlugin to:

  • allow RESTHeart to find plugins’ implementation classes in deployed jars (see How to Deploy Plugins)
  • specify parameters such us the URI of a Service or the intercept point of an Interceptor.

An example follows:

@RegisterPlugin(name = "foo service", 
    description = "just an example service", 
public class MyPlugin implements JsonService {

The following table described the arguments of the annotation:

param plugin description mandatory default value
name all the name of the plugin yes none
description all description of the plugin yes none
enabledByDefault all true to enable the plugin otherwise it can be enabled by setting the configuration argument enabled: true no true
defaultURI service the default URI of the Service no /<srv-name>
dontIntercept service list of interceptPoints to be executed on requests handled by the service, e.g. dontIntercept = { InterceptPoint.REQUEST_BEFORE_AUTH, InterceptPoint.RESPONSE } no {}
initPoint initializer specify when the initializer is executed: BEFORE_STARTUP, AFTER_STARTUP no AFTER_STARTUP
requiresContent proxy interceptor Only used by Interceptors of proxied resources (the content is always available to Interceptor of Services) Set it to true to make available the content of the request (if interceptPoint is REQUEST_BEFORE_AUTH or REQUEST_AFTER_AUTH) or of the response (if interceptPoint is RESPONSE or RESPONSE_ASYNC) no false
priority interceptor, initializer the execution priority (less is higher priority no 10

Watch Dependencies, annotations and parameters

Plugin Configuration

A plugins has a name as defined by the the @RegisterPlugin annotation. To define a configuration for a plugin just use its name under the plugins-args yml object:

        enabled: true
        secured: false
        uri: /ping
        msg: 'Ping!'

enabled secured and uri are special configuration options that are automatically managed by RESTHeart:

  • enabled: for enabling or disabling the plugin via configuration overwriting the enabledByDefault property of @RegisterPlugin
  • uri: applies to Services to bind them to the URI overwriting the defaultUri property of @RegisterPlugin
  • secured: applies to Services, with secured: true the service request goes thought the authentication and authorization phases, with secured: false the service is fully open.

Service have secured: false by default. If a service is deployed and has no configuration it will be fully open. If your service needs to be protected, add a configuration for it with secured: true

The plugin consumes the configuration with a method annotated with @InjectConfiguration:

public void init(Map<String, Object> args) throws ConfigurationException {
    this.msg = argValue(args, "msg");

argValue() is an helper method to simplify retrieving the value of the configuration argument.

Watch Plugin configuration

Dependency injection

Other dependency injections than @InjectConfiguration are:

  • @InjectPluginsRegistry - allows a plugin to get the reference of other plugins.
  • @InjectMongoClient - injects the MongoClient object that has been already initialized and connected to MongoDB by the mongo service.
private PluginsRegistry registry;

public void init(PluginsRegistry registry) {
    this.registry = registry;
private MongoClient mclient;

public void init(MongoClient mclient) {
    this.mclient = mclient;

Request and Response Generic Classes

Services and Interceptor are generic classes. They use type parameters for Request and Response classes.

Many concrete implementations of specialized Request and Response exist in the package to simplify development:

  • JsonRequest and JsonResponse
  • BsonRequest and BsonResponse
  • MongoRequest and MongoResponse
  • ByteArrayRequest and ByteArrayResponse
  • StringRequest and StringResponse
  • BsonFromCsvRequest

Those implementations differ on the data type used to hold the request and response content. For example, ByteArrayRequest and BsonRequest hold content as byte[] and BsonValue respectively.

Different implementation can also provide some helper methods to cope with specific request parameter. For instance, the MongoRequest, i.e. the request used by the MongoService, has the method getPageSize() because this is a query parameter used by that service.

When a request hits RESTHeart, it determines which service will handle it. The Service implementation is responsible of instantiating the correct Request and Response objects that will be used along the whole exchange processing chain.


Depending on the content type, the Service class implements one of the specialized org.restheart.plugins.Service interfaces. The following implementation are provided by restheart-commons:

  • ByteArrayService
  • JsonService
  • BsonService

The code of example mongo-status-service implementing BsonService and using the MongoClient obtained via @InjectMongoClient follows:

        name = "serverstatus",
        description = "returns MongoDB serverStatus",
        enabledByDefault = true,
        defaultURI = "/status")
public class MongoServerStatusService implements BsonService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoServerStatusService.class);

    private MongoClient mongoClient;

    private static final BsonDocument COMMAND = new BsonDocument("serverStatus", new BsonInt32(1));

    public void init(MongoClient mongoClient) {
        this.mongoClient = mongoClient;

    public void handle(BsonRequest request, BsonResponse response) throws Exception {
        if (request.isGet()) {
            var serverStatus = mongoClient.getDatabase("admin").runCommand(COMMAND, BsonDocument.class);
        } else {
            // Any other HTTP verb is a bad request

The key method is handle() that is executed when a request to the service URI hits RESTHeart.

Create Service with custom generic type

To implement a Service that handles different types of Request and Response, it must implement the base Service interface.

The base Service interface requires to implement methods to initialize and retrieve the Request and Response objects.

The following example shows how to handle XML content:

        name = "myXmlService",
        description = "example service consuming XML requests",
        enabledByDefault = true,
        defaultURI = "/xml")
public class MyXmlService implements Service<XmlRequest, XmlResponse> {
    default Consumer<HttpServerExchange> requestInitializer() {
        return e -> XmlRequest.init(e);

    default Consumer<HttpServerExchange> responseInitializer() {
        return e -> XmlResponse.init(e);

    default Function<HttpServerExchange, JsonRequest> request() {
        return e -> XmlRequest.of(e);

    default Function<HttpServerExchange, JsonResponse> response() {
        return e -> XmlResponse.of(e);

The example follows a pattern that delegates the actual initialization (in requestInitializer() and responseInitializer()) and retrieval of the object from the exchange (in request() and response()) to the concrete class, as follows:

public class XmlRequest extends ServiceRequest<Document> {
    private XmlRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
    public static XmlRequest init(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
        var ret = new XmlRequest(exchange);
        try {
        } catch (Throwable ieo) {
        return ret;
    public static XmlRequest of(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
        return of(exchange, XmlRequest.class);
    public void injectContent() throws SAXException, IOException {
        var dBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
        var rawContent =;

In the constructor a call to super(exchange) attaches the object to the HttpServerExchange. The object is retrieved using the inherited of() method that gets the instance attachment from the HttpServerExchange. This is fundamental for two reasons: first the same request and response objects must be shared by the all handlers of the processing chain. Second, this avoid the need to parse the content several times for performance reasons.

Watch Services


Interceptors allow to snoop and modify requests and responses at different stages of the request lifecycle as defined by the interceptPoint parameter of the annotation @RegisterPlugin.

An interceptor can intercept either proxied requests or requests handled by Services.

An interceptor can intercept requests handled by a Service when its request and response types are equal to the ones declared by the Service.

An interceptor can intercept a proxied request, when its request and response types extends BufferedRequest and BufferedResponse.

The following implementation are provided by restheart-commons:

  • ByteArrayInterceptor intercepts requests handled by services implementing ByteArrayService
  • JsonInterceptor intercepts requests handled by services implementing JsonService
  • BsonInterceptor intercepts requests handled by services implementing BsonService
  • MongoInterceptor intercepts requests handled by the MongoService

The last one is particularly useful as it allows intercepting requests to the MongoDb API.

@RegisterPlugin(name = "secretFilter", 
    interceptPoint = InterceptPoint.RESPONSE,
    description = "removes the property 'secret' from GET /coll")
public class ReadOnlyPropFilter implements MongoInterceptor {
    public void handle(MongoRequest request, MongoResponse response) throws Exception {
        if (response.getContent().isDocument()) {
        } else if (request.getContent().isArray()) {
                    .map(doc -> doc.asDocument())
                    .forEach(doc -> doc.remove("secret"));

    public boolean resolve(MongoRequest request, MongoResponse response) {
        return request.isGet()
                && response.getContent() != null
                && "coll".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getCollectionName();

The handle() method is invoked only if the resolve() method returns true.

Watch Interceptors


An Initializer allows executing custom logic at startup time.

The Initializer implementation class must extend the org.restheart.plugins.Initializer interface:

public interface Initializer extends ConfigurablePlugin {
    public void init();

With the following code the Initializer hangs restheart startup until the user confirms.

        name = "confirmStartupInitializer",
        description = "hangs restheart startup until the user hits <enter>"
        priority = 100,
        initPoint = InitPoint.BEFORE_STARTUP)
public class confirmStartupInitializer implements Initializer {
    public void init() {
        System.out.println("Hit <enter> to start RESTHeart");

Watch Initializers