

See Understanding RESTHeart Security for an high level view of the RESTHeart security model.

RESTHeart is built around a pluggable architecture. It comes with a strong security implementation but you can easily extend it by implementing plugins. This section documents the authorizers available out-of-the-box.

RESTHeart by default offers two implementations authorizers:

  1. Mongo ACL Authorizer
  2. File ACL Authorizer

However, it’s even possible to develop custom authorizers. Please refer to Develop Security Plugins for more information.

Mongo ACL Authorizer

mongoAclAuthorizer authorizes requests according to the Access Control List defined in a MongoDB collection. The configuration allows:

  • defining the collection to use to store ACL documents (acl-db and acl-collection).
  • enabling the root role (root-role): users with root role, can execute any requests, regardless of the permissions set in the ACL. Set it to null (root-role: null) to disable it.
  • controlling the ACL caching.
        acl-db: restheart
        acl-collection: acl
        # clients with root-role can execute any request
        root-role: admin
        cache-enabled: true
        cache-size: 1000
        cache-ttl: 5000
        cache-expire-policy: AFTER_WRITE

Format of an ACL document

An example ACL document follows:

    "_id": { "$oid": "5d9485639eab3a852d48a1de" },
    "predicate": "path-prefix[/blog] and (method[GET] or method[POST])",
    "roles": ["editor"],
    "priority": 1,
    "readFilter": {
        "_$or": [
            { "author": { "_$eq": "%USER" } },
            { "status": { "_$eq": "PUBLISHED" } }
    "writeFilter": { "author": { "_$eq": "%USER" } }

The properties of the ACL document are:

property type description
predicate string If the undertow predicate resolves the request then the request is authorized. Many examples of predicates can be found in the file acl.yml
roles JSON array of strings The roles that are applied the ACL document. The special role $unauthenticated applies to requests that are not authenticated.
priority number A request might fulfill several predicates; an ACL document with higher priority has higher evaluation precedence.
readFilter null or JSON object An optional filter that is added to GET requests when authorized by this ACL document.
writeFilter null or JSON object An optional filter that is added to write requests when authorized by this ACL document.

Using readFilter and writeFilter

readFilter and writeFilter allows to partition data by roles.

The example ACL document applies to users with editor role. A user with this role can execute the requests GET /blog and POST /blog.

The readFilter applies to GET requests. The example ACL document limits the returned /blog documents to the ones that were published or that were created by the authenticated user.

The writeFilter applies to write request. The example ACL document allows the requests to only modify the documents that were created by the authenticated user.

writeFilter only limits updates and cannot avoid creating documents that don’t match the filter. The properties used in the filter should be set using Interceptors.

readFilter and writeFilter can use the following variables:

variable resolved to example
%USER the string id of the authenticated user match documents with author property equal to the id of the authenticated user {"author":"%USER"}
%ROLES the roles array of the authenticated user match documents with roles array property containing any role of the authenticated user {"roles": {"_$in": %ROLES }
%NOW the current date as {"$date": 1570027863000 } match documents with timestamp date property less than (before) the current date {"timestamp":{"_$lt": "%NOW"}}

File ACL Authorizer

fileRealmAuthorizer allows defining roles permissions in a YAML configuration file using the Undertow predicate language.

        conf-file: ./etc/acl.yml

The file acl.yml defines the role based permissions. An example follows:

## configuration file for requestPredicatesAuthorizer
    # OPTIONS is always allowed
    - role: $unauthenticated
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/"] and method[value="OPTIONS"]

    - role: $unauthenticated
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/echo"] and method[value="GET"]

    - role: admin
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/"] and method[value="OPTIONS"]

    - role: admin
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/"]

    - role: user
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/"] and method[value="OPTIONS"]

    - role: user
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/secho"] and method[value="GET"]

    - role: user
      predicate: path[path="/secho/foo"] and method[value="GET"]

    - role: user
      predicate: (path[path="/echo"] or path[path="/secho"]) and method[value="PUT"]

    # This to check the path-template predicate
    - role: user
      predicate: path-template[value="/secho/{username}"] and equals[%u, "${username}"]

    # This to check the regex predicate
    - role: user
      predicate: regex[pattern="/secho/(.*?)", value="%R", full-match=true] and equals[%u, "${1}"]

Watch Authorization via file and MongoDB