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ActiveDirectory and LDAP authentication


A simple implementation of LDAP authentication has been provided and can be specified in the configuration file.  Written for use in an environment using Active Directory, it provides basic authentication against the configured LDAP or AD provider.


While this implementation has been tested to work in my environment, it has not been thoroughly scrutinized by any security professional, and I am not an expert in authentication. If you see improvements that can be made, please don’t hesitate to bring them to our attention.


In restheart.yml, update the idm implementation-class to use ADIdentityManager:

    implementation-class: org.restheart.security.impl.ADIdentityManager
    conf-file: ./etc/security.yml

The conf-file value specifies where additional security configuration details will be configured.  In this file, you must configure the domain controller(s) and the principal name suffix(es) to be used in authentication.

## Config for AD Identity Manager
    - domainControllers: ldap://eastdc.example.com, ldap://westdc.example.com
      principalNameSuffixes: corp.example.com, example.com

You must specify at least one value for domainControllers, and at least one value for principalNameSuffixes.  The ADIdentityManager will attempt to authenticate against each DC using the username and any principalNameSuffixes until it exhausts all combinations or successfully authenticates. For the example configuration above and a given username of “john”, the following attempts would be made (in this order):

In many cases, only one domain controller or principal name suffix are needed.

Roles and Groups

Once authenticated, the group memberships of the user will be retrieved and used by the Access Manager to determine authorization of actions on various collections (see: Enable and Configure Security#SimpleAccessManager).  Within the permissions section of security.yml, you must use the group names from your AD or LDAP system rather than the default examples in the file.  An example:

# Users with role 'DevOps' can do anything
    - role: DevOps
      predicate: path-prefix[path="/"]