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Representation Format


Each resource has its properties and embedded resources. Dbs embed collections that embed documents.

RESTHeart has two different options for representing the resources: plain JSON and HAL. The default representation is controlled with default-representation-format configuration option.

#### default representation format (PLAIN_JSON or HAL)
default-representation-format: PLAIN_JSON

The rep query parameter can also be used.

GET /db/coll?rep=hal
GET /db/coll?rep=pj

Plain JSON Representation

In the following response the collection /db/coll has the properties _id, _etag prop and two embedded documents and the special property _returned

GET /db/coll
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "_embedded": [
            "_etag": {
                "$oid": "5ac9f96063445900062144ac"
            "_id": {
                "$oid": "5ac9f960913b07543c0085ec"
            "a": 2
            "_etag": {
                "$oid": "5ac9f95f63445900062144ab"
            "_id": {
                "$oid": "5ac9f95f913b07543c0085e7"
            "a": 1
    "_id": "coll",
    "prop": "foo",
    "_etag": {
        "$oid": "5aca45626344590007ecbda5"
    "_returned": 2

When the request specifies the np query parameter (that stands for No Properties), the response body is the array of embedded resources and does not include the resource properties.

GET /db/coll?np

        "_etag": {
            "$oid": "5ac9f96063445900062144ac"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "5ac9f960913b07543c0085ec"
        "a": 2
        "_etag": {
            "$oid": "5ac9f95f63445900062144ab"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "5ac9f95f913b07543c0085e7"
        "a": 1

HAL Representation

Following the REST mantra, you transfer resource states back and forth by the means of representations.

This section introduces you with the resource representation format used by RESTHeart.

Hypermedia Application Language

RESTHeart uses the HAL+json hypermedia format. HAL stands for Hypermedia Application Language and it is simple, elegant and powerful.

HAL builds up on 2 simple concepts: Resources and Links

  • Resources have state (plain JSON), embedded resources and links
  • Links have target (href URI) and relations (aka rel)

Strict mode representations of BSON

RESTHeart represents the state of MongoDB resources using the strict mode representations of BSON that conforms to the JSON RFC

MongoDB uses the BSON data format which type system is a superset of JSON’s. To preserve type information, MongoDB adds this extension to the JSON.

For instance, the following JSON document includes an ObjectId and a Date. These types are supported by BSON and represented with JSON according to the ‘strict mode’.

    "_id": {
        "$oid": "546b2dcdef863f5121fc91f3"
    "date": {
        "$date": 1
    "pi": 3.1415

Note: the strict mode is used on both request and response resource representation and also on filter query parameters.

This filter request, won’t find the document /db/coll/546b2dcdef863f5121fc91f3 since the _id field is an ObjectId and not a String.

GET /db/coll?filter={'_id':'546b2dcdef863f5121fc91f3'}

The correct request is: 

GET /db/coll?filter={'_id':{'$oid':'546b2dcdef863f5121fc91f3'}}

Hal mode

HAL mode is available starting version 1.1

The query parameter hal controls the verbosity of the representation. Valid values are c (for compact) and f (for full); the default value (if the param is omitted) is compact mode.

When hal=f is specified, the representation is more verbose and includes special properties (such as _type and _lastupdated_on), link templates and curies (links to API documentation).


We’ll get a collection resource and analyze it. As any other in RESTHeart, a collection resource is represented with HAL; thus has its own propertiesembedded resources (in this case, documents) and link templates (for pagination, sorting, etc).



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ETag, Auth-Token, Auth-Token-Valid-Until, Auth-Token-Location, X-Powered-By
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Length: 252
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 13:39:20 GMT
ETag: 56ded2b22d174c2a08cdee83
X-Powered-By: restheart.org

    "_embedded": {
        "rh:doc": [
                "_etag": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2ee2d174c2a08cdee85"
                "_id": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2eead66b2a1e741c054"
                "name": "mongodb", 
                "rating": "hyper cool"
                "_etag": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2d42d174c2a08cdee84"
                "_id": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2d4ad66b2a1e741c053"
                "name": "restheart", 
                "rating": "super cool"
    "_etag": {
        "$oid": "56ded2b22d174c2a08cdee83"
    "_id": "coll", 
    "_returned": 2, 
    "_size": 2, 
    "_total_pages": 1, 
    "desc": "this is my first collection created with restheart"


In this case, the collection properties comprise the field desc; this is user defined.

The other fields are reserved properties (i.e. are managed automatically by RESTHeart for you); these always starts with _:

Property Description
_type the type of this resource. in this case ‘COLLECTION’ (only returned on hal full mode)
_id the name of the collection
_etag entity tag, used for caching and to avoid ghost writes.
_size the number of the documents in the collection (only returned if the count query parameter is specified)
_total_pages the number of the pages (only returned if the count query parameter is specified)
_returned the number of the documents embedded in this representation
    "_etag": {
        "$oid": "56ded2b22d174c2a08cdee83"
    "_id": "coll", 
    "_returned": 2, 
    "_size": 2, 
    "_total_pages": 1, 
    "desc": "this is my first collection created with restheart"

Embedded resources

Collection’s embedded resources are the collection documents, recursively represented as HAL documents.

The _embedded property looks like:

"_embedded": {
        "rh:doc": [
                "_etag": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2ee2d174c2a08cdee85"
                "_id": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2eead66b2a1e741c054"
                "name": "mongodb", 
                "rating": "hyper cool"
                "_etag": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2d42d174c2a08cdee84"
                "_id": {
                    "$oid": "56ded2d4ad66b2a1e741c053"
                "name": "restheart", 
                "rating": "super cool"

_links are only returned on HAL full mode. The only exception are with relationships. If a collection defines a relationship, the representation of the documents always include the links to related data.

Link Description
self link to itself
first link to the first page
last link to the last page
rh:db templated link for db
rh:coll templated link for collection
rh:document templated link for document
rh:filter templated link for filtering
rh:sort templated link for sorting
rh:indexes link to the collection indexes resource
rh:paging templated link for paging

(compacts URIes) bind links to documentation. For instance the rh:db rel is documented at https://restheart.org/curies/2.0/db.html

The _links property looks like:

"_links": {
        "curies": [
                "href": "https://restheart.org/curies/2.0/{rel}.html", 
                "name": "rh", 
                "templated": true
        "first": {
            "href": "/db/coll?pagesize=100&count&hal=f"
        "last": {
            "href": "/db/coll?pagesize=100&count&hal=f"
        "rh:coll": {
            "href": "/db/{collname}", 
            "templated": true
        "rh:db": {
            "href": "/db"
        "rh:document": {
            "href": "/db/coll/{docid}{?id_type}", 
            "templated": true
        "rh:filter": {
            "href": "/db/coll{?filter}", 
            "templated": true
        "rh:indexes": {
            "href": "/db/coll/_indexes"
        "rh:paging": {
            "href": "/db/coll{?page}{&pagesize}", 
            "templated": true
        "rh:sort": {
            "href": "/db/coll{?sort_by}", 
            "templated": true
        "self": {
            "href": "/db/coll?count&hal=f"