Application Logic
RESTHeart has a pipeline architecture where specialized undertow handlers are chained together to serve the requests.
In order to provide additional application logic, custom handlers can be bound under the /_logic URL.
How to
The custom handler must extend the
class org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.ApplicationLogicHandler.
It requires to override the method handleRequest() with 2 arguments:
- HttpServerExchange the exchange
- RequestContext context (that is the suggested way to retrieve the information of the request such as the payload)
public abstract void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange, RequestContext context) throws Exception;
Once an handler has been implemented, it can be bound to an URI in the configuration file.
The following is the default configuration file section declaring the two handlers provided with RESTHeart, that configures 3 application logic handlers:
- PingHandler bound at /_logic/ping: a simple ping service
- GetRolehanlder bound at /_logic/roles that allows a client to check the password and in case retrieve the roles of the user. Example GET /_logic/roles/<username>
- ChacheInvalidator bound a /_logic/ic that allows to invalidate a cache db or collection entry. Example POST /_logic/ic?db=<dbnam>&coll=<collname>
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.PingHandler
where: /ping
secured: false
msg: "ciao from the restheart team"
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.GetRoleHandler
where: /roles
secured: false
url: /_logic/roles
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.CacheInvalidator
where: /ic
secured: true
The following table describes the configuration options:
property | description |
what | the class implementing the handler |
where | the URI to bound under the context /_logic. for instance if where: /a/b/c then the URI is /_logic/a/b/c |
secured | if true put the handler under the RESTHeart security context |
args | arguments that are passed to the custom handler. They can be accessed via the class field Map args. |
The class(es) that implements the custom ApplicationHandler must be added to the java classpath.
For example, it can be packaged in the custom-handler.jar jar file and start RESTHeart with the following command:
$ java -server -classpath restheart.jar:custom-handler.jar org.restheart.Bootstrapper restheart.yml
The following is the code of the simple PingHandler that implements a simple ping service.
The constructor must have the arguments PipedHttpHandler next and Map args. In this way, the latter is set from the args property of the configuration file.
package org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic;
import org.restheart.handlers.PipedHttpHandler;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext.METHOD;
import org.restheart.utils.HttpStatus;
import org.restheart.utils.ResponseHelper;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import java.util.Map;
* @author Andrea Di Cesare <>
public class PingHandler extends ApplicationLogicHandler {
private final String msg;
* @param next
* @param args
public PingHandler(PipedHttpHandler next, Map<String, Object> args) {
super(next, args);
this.msg = (String) args.get("msg");
* @param exchange
* @param context
* @throws Exception
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange, RequestContext context) throws Exception {
if (context.getMethod() == METHOD.GET) {
ResponseHelper.endExchangeWithMessage(exchange, HttpStatus.SC_OK, msg);
} else {
- what: org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.PingHandler
where: /ping
secured: false
msg: "ciao from the restheart team"
Aggregation query
The following example shows how to use the ApplicationHandler to run an aggregation query.
Given the /test/bands collection, where each document is supposed to have the albums array property (listing the albums of the band), it returns the number of albums by band:
$ http -a a:a GET
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"The Cure": 13,
"The Clash": 7,
"Pink Floyd": 15,
- the mongo client is obtained via the MongoDBClientSingleton; it returns the MongoClient configured with the parameters from the configuration file.
- the query is executed via the lambda expression argument of the class LoadingCache: this way, the query is cached and gets actually re-executed only after 5 seconds.
package org.restheart.example;
import com.mongodb.AggregationOutput;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import org.restheart.handlers.PipedHttpHandler;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext;
import org.restheart.handlers.RequestContext.METHOD;
import org.restheart.utils.HttpStatus;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.util.Headers;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.restheart.cache.Cache;
import org.restheart.cache.CacheFactory;
import org.restheart.cache.LoadingCache;
import org.restheart.db.MongoDBClientSingleton;
import org.restheart.hal.Representation;
import org.restheart.handlers.applicationlogic.ApplicationLogicHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* @author Andrea Di Cesare <>
public class AggregateHandler extends ApplicationLogicHandler {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.restheart.example.AggregateHandler");
private static final MongoClient client;
private static final LoadingCache<String, DBObject> cache;
private static final String DB = "test";
private static final String COLL = "bands";
private static final List<DBObject> AGGREGATION_QUERY;
static {
client = MongoDBClientSingleton.getInstance().getClient();
.add("$unwind", "$albums") // unwind stage
.push("$group") // group stage
.add("_id", "$_id")
.add("$sum", 1)
.push("$project") // $project stage
.add("albums", "$count")
LOGGER.debug("query {}", AGGREGATION_QUERY.toString());
// a 5 seconds cache
cache = CacheFactory.createLocalLoadingCache(1, Cache.EXPIRE_POLICY.AFTER_WRITE, 5 * 1000, (String key) -> {
DBCollection coll = client.getDB(DB).getCollection(COLL);
AggregationOutput agout = coll.aggregate(AGGREGATION_QUERY);
// wrap result in a BasicDBList
BasicDBList ret = new BasicDBList();
agout.results().forEach(dbobj -> {
return ret;
* @param next
* @param args
public AggregateHandler(PipedHttpHandler next, Map<String, Object> args) {
super(next, args);
* @param exchange
* @param context
* @throws Exception
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange, RequestContext context) throws Exception {
LOGGER.debug("got request");
if (context.getMethod() == METHOD.GET) {
Optional<DBObject> _results = cache.getLoading("result");
if (_results.isPresent()) {
BasicDBList results = (BasicDBList) _results.get();
Representation rep = new Representation("/_logic/aggregate");
BasicDBObject properties = new BasicDBObject();
results.forEach( res -> {
DBObject _res = (DBObject) res;
properties.append((String) _res.get("_id"), _res.get("albums"));
exchange.getResponseHeaders().put(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, Representation.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("request verb is not GET => NOT ALLOWED");
- what: org.restheart.examples.AggregateHandler
where: /aggregate
secured: true