Setup with Docker
If Docker isn’t your thing, check out the setup section for alternative installation methods. |
Run with docker compose
This is the quickest way to run RESTHeart. |
To run both RESTHeart and MongoDB services you can use docker compose
. Just copy and paste the following shell command:
$ curl --output docker-compose.yml && docker compose up --attach restheart
Watch Docker / Docker Compose video. |
Run RESTHeart with Docker in standalone mode
When you run RESTHeart in standalone mode, it switches to a different default configuration that turns off all plugins that rely on MongoDB. This means you won’t have access to the handy built-in features that make RESTHeart so great. But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to play with it and add your own custom plugins.
On OSX and Windows:
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e RHO="/fileRealmAuthenticator/users[userid='admin']/password->'secret';/http-listener/host->''" softinstigate/restheart -s
On Linux
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e RHO="/fileRealmAuthenticator/users[userid='admin']/password->'secret';/http-listener/host->''" softinstigate/restheart -s
the RHO environment variable sets the password for the user admin .
Run RESTHeart with Docker, MongoDB running on localhost
This runs RESTHeart with Docker connecting to MongoDB running on the localhost.
If MongoDB is not already running, the following command will start a replica set and initiate it (the replica set is not required but enables RESTHeart to support transactions and change streams). Note that the data path is /tmp/db
$ mkdir -p /tmp/db && mongod --fork --syslog --replSet=foo -dbpath=/tmp/db && mongosh --quiet --eval 'if (!rs.isMaster().ismaster) rs.initiate();'
Run RESTHeart with:
On OSX and Windows:
$ docker run --rm -p "8080:8080" softinstigate/restheart
On Linux
$ docker run --rm -p "8080:8080" --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway softinstigate/restheart
This command relies on the docker support of host.docker.internal . If you are using an old docker version or a docker runtime that does not support it, than you need to configure the docker network accordingly (you can refer to the brilliant "From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?" on StackOverflow) or use one of the an alternative methods described in the further sections.
Run RESTHeart and network isolated MongoDB with Docker
This setup involves a RESTHeart container interfacing with a MongoDB container via a private Docker network. This arrangement ensures network isolation, with the RESTHeart API serving as the sole entry point. This configuration allows the two containers to communicate securely and efficiently within their dedicated network environment, while external access is streamlined and controlled through the RESTHeart API
Setup Procedure
This setup only needs to be completed once. Follow these steps:
1) Create a Docker Network
Create a dedicated network for RESTHeart and MongoDB communication:
$ docker network create restheart-network
2) Start MongoDB Container
Launch a MongoDB container within the created network:
$ docker run -d --name mongodb --network restheart-network mongo --replSet=rs0
3) Initialize MongoDB as a Single Node Replica Set
Initialize the MongoDB instance to work as a single node replica set:
$ docker run -it --network restheart-network --rm mongo mongosh --host mongodb --quiet --eval "rs.initiate()"
4) Launch RESTHeart Container
Run the RESTHeart container, linking it to the MongoDB container:
$ docker run --name restheart --rm --network restheart-network -p "8080:8080" -e RHO='/http-listener/host->"";/mclient/connection-string->"mongodb://mongodb"' softinstigate/restheart
5) Test the Setup
Execute a test request to verify that RESTHeart is running:
$ http -b http://localhost:8080/ping
# Expected Output: Greetings from RESTHeart!
Stopping the Containers
To stop both RESTHeart and MongoDB containers, use the following command:
$ docker stop restheart mongodb
Restarting the Containers
The RESTHeart container is stateless and is removed upon stopping (due to the --rm
option). However, the MongoDB container retains its state and is not removed on stop. To restart, use the following commands:
1) Start MongoDB Container
$ docker start mongodb
2) Run RESTHeart Container
$ docker run --name restheart --rm --network restheart-network -p 8080:8080 -e RHO='/http-listener/host->"";/mclient/connection-string->"mongodb://mongodb"' softinstigate/restheart
How to connect to MongoDB with mongosh
$ docker run -it --network restheart-network --rm mongo mongosh --host mongodb
For development: run RESTHeart and open MongoDB with Docker
This setup is insecure and should be only used for developing or testing purposes. |
Setup Procedure
This setup only needs to be completed once. Follow these steps:
1) Start MongoDB Container
Launch a MongoDB container:
$ docker run -d --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 mongo --replSet=rs0
2) Initialize MongoDB as a Single Node Replica Set
Initialize the MongoDB instance to work as a single node replica set:
$ docker exec mongodb mongosh --quiet --eval "rs.initiate()"
3) Launch RESTHeart Container
Run the RESTHeart container, linking it to the MongoDB container:
$ docker run --name restheart --rm -p "8080:8080" softinstigate/restheart
4) Test the Setup
Execute a test request to verify that RESTHeart is running:
$ http -b http://localhost:8080/ping
# Expected Output: Greetings from RESTHeart!
Stopping the Containers
To stop both RESTHeart and MongoDB containers, use the following command:
$ docker stop restheart mongodb
Restarting the Containers
The RESTHeart container is stateless and is removed upon stopping (due to the --rm
option). However, the MongoDB container retains its state and is not removed on stop. To restart, use the following commands:
1) Start MongoDB Container
$ docker start mongodb
2) Run RESTHeart Container
$ docker run --name restheart --rm -p "8080:8080" softinstigate/restheart
Run RESTHeart with custom plugin
If the plugin jar file is in the directory ./target
, this command starts RESTHeart with the plugin integrated:
$ docker run --name restheart --rm -p "8080:8080" -v ./target:/opt/restheart/plugins/custom softinstigate/restheart
This command requires RESTHeart version equal or greater than 7.7. |
Run RESTHeart with remote debugging
This runs RESTHeart enabling remote debugging (port 4000).
$ docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -p 4000:4000 --entrypoint "java" softinstigate/restheart -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address= -jar restheart.jar
How to connect to MongoDB with mongosh
$ docker exec -it mongodb mongosh
The RESTHeart Docker tags
RESTHeart Docker images come in four different versions:
Standard multi-arch (FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jre)
Graalvm (FROM softinstigate/graalvm:latest)
distroless (FROM
native (FROM debian:bookworm-slim)
These are example tags:
Tag |
Example |
Description |
The standard image. This is usually the one you want to use. Keep in mind it doesn’t support running JavaScript plugins. |
Similar to the standard image, this image contains only RESTHeart and its runtime dependencies. It does not contain a package manager, shells or any other programs you would expect to find in a standard Linux distribution. |
RESTHeart running on the GraalVM that will let you JavaScript plugins. Check out the Plugins in JavaScript for more info. This is the biggest image (about 600Mbytes). |
RESTHeart built as a native binary. It is the smallest image with lightning-fast startup time. This is the perfect choice for deploying in a Kubernetes cluster. It can only execute JavaScript plugins. Check out Deploy Java plugins on RESTHeart Native for more info. |
The "distroless" images are for special deployment requirements, where having the smallest possible image size and the very minimal security attack surface is required and their tag contains a distroless
label. You usually don’t need these images unless you exactly know what you are doing.
Images tags ending with -native
are created with the GraalVM Native Image technology starting from stable builds of the product, especially suited for high demanding environments, like Kubernetes. These are experimental and not fully documented yet, please contact us for questions.
What’s next
Check that RESTHeart is up and running, opening the URL http://localhost:8080/ping, you should see the message:
Greetings from RESTHeart!
Check the Configuration page
Play with the REST API Tutorial
Play with the GraphQL API Tutorial
Deploy some plugins from the the plugin examples repo
Load the sample data into MongoDB and play with the Data API.