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A Service hooks up a web service to an URI. Whenever there’s a request that matches with the URI, its handle(req, res) method will be executed.

A Service consists of a class implementing one of the Service interfaces such as JsonService and annotated with @RegisterPlugin.

The req and res arguments allow to retrieve request content, query parameters and headers and set the response status code, content and headers respectively. For instance, res.setStatusCode(200) sets the response status code.

No need to worry about the actual HTTP data transmission - RESTHeart will handle that for you automatically using the data set in the res object.

The Service class

A Service consists of a class implementing one of the Service interfaces such as JsonService and annotated with @RegisterPlugin.

The following Service interfaces are provided and differ from the data type used to hold the request and response content:

  • ByteArrayService

  • StringService

  • JsonService

  • BsonService

For instance, BsonService uses BsonValue to hold request and response content: this is useful when you cope with MongoDb that represents data using this class.

The code of example greeter-service implementing JsonService follows:

RegisterPlugin(name = "greetings", description = "just another Hello World")
public class GreeterService implements JsonService {
    public void handle(JsonRequest req, JsonResponse res) {
        switch(req.getMethod()) {
            case GET -> res.setContent(object().put("message", "Hello World!"));
            case OPTIONS -> handleOptions(req);
            default -> res.setStatusCode(HttpStatus.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);

The key method is handle(req, res) that is executed when a request matching the service’s URI hits RESTHeart.

the verb OPTIONS is handled by the ready-to-use handleOptions(req) method. It copes with CORS headers making sure the Web Service can be safely invoked by browsers.

@RegisterPlugin annotation

The class implementing the Service interfaces must be a annotated with @RegisterPlugin to:

  • allow RESTHeart to find plugins' implementation classes in deployed jars (see How to Deploy Plugins)

  • specify parameters such us the URI of a Service or the intercept point of an Interceptor.

The following table describes the arguments of the annotation for Services:

param description mandatory default value


the name of the Service




description of the Service




true to enable the plugin; can be overridden by the plugin configuration option enabled




the default URI of the Service; can be overridden by the service configuration option uri




PREFIX to match request paths starting with /<uri>,EXACT to only match the request path /<uri>




true to require successful authentication and authorization to be invoked; can be overridden by the service configuration option secure




list of interceptPoints to be executed on requests handled by the service, e.g. dontIntercept = { InterceptPoint.REQUEST_BEFORE_AUTH, InterceptPoint.RESPONSE }



Service with custom generic types

To implement a Service that handles different types of Request and Response, it must implement the base Service interface.

The base Service interface requires to implement methods to initialize and retrieve the Request and Response objects.

The following example shows how to handle XML content:

@RegisterPlugin(name = "myXmlService",
    description = "example service consuming XML requests",
    enabledByDefault = true,
    defaultURI = "/xml")
public class MyXmlService implements Service<XmlRequest, XmlResponse> {
    public void handle(XmlRequest req, XmlResponse res) {
        // handling logic omitted

    default Consumer<HttpServerExchange> requestInitializer() {
        return e -> XmlRequest.init(e);

    default Consumer<HttpServerExchange> responseInitializer() {
        return e -> XmlResponse.init(e);

    default Function<HttpServerExchange, JsonRequest> request() {
        return e -> XmlRequest.of(e);

    default Function<HttpServerExchange, JsonResponse> response() {
        return e -> XmlResponse.of(e);

The example follows a pattern that delegates the actual initialization (in requestInitializer() and responseInitializer()) and retrieval of the object from the exchange (in request() and response()) to the concrete class, as follows:

public class XmlRequest extends ServiceRequest<Document> {
    private XmlRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange) {

    public static XmlRequest init(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
        var ret = new XmlRequest(exchange);

        try {
        } catch (Throwable ieo) {

        return ret;

    public static XmlRequest of(HttpServerExchange exchange) {
        return of(exchange, XmlRequest.class);

    public void injectContent() throws SAXException, IOException {
        var dBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
        var rawContent = ChannelReader.read(wrapped.getRequestChannel());


In the constructor a call to super(exchange) attaches the object to the HttpServerExchange. The object is retrieved using the inherited of() method that gets the instance attachment from the HttpServerExchange. This is fundamental for two reasons: first the same request and response objects must be shared by the all handlers of the processing chain. Second, this avoid the need to parse the content several times for performance reasons.

Watch Services

CORS Headers

CORS stands for Cross-origin resource sharing and it is a mechanism to allow resources on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.

Imagine the case of a web site, where the static resources (html, css and javascript) are served by domain1.com. On the other end, RESTHeart is running on a different server in domain2.com.

Without CORS support, the javascript logic could not actually request data to RESTHeart, forcing to have both static resources and RESTHeart running in the same domain.

What happens behind the scene, for AJAX and HTTP request methods that can modify data, the CORS specification mandates that browsers "preflight" the request, soliciting supported methods from the server with an HTTP OPTIONS request header, and then, upon "approval" from the server, sending the actual request with the actual HTTP request method.

CORS Support

RESTHeart always returns CORS headers to allow requests originated from different domains.

The following example, highlights the CORS headers returned by RESTHeart, in the case of a collection resource.


OPTIONS /test/coll HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Accept-Encoding, Authorization, Content-Length, Content-Type, Host, If-Match, Origin, X-Requested-With, User-Agent, No-Auth-Challenge
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Location, ETag, Auth-Token, Auth-Token-Valid-Until, Auth-Token-Location

Customize CORS Headers

The Service interface extends the following interface:

public interface CORSHeaders {
        * @return the values of the Access-Control-Expose-Headers
        default String accessControlExposeHeaders() {
           // return the defaults headers

        * @return the values of the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials
        default String accessControlAllowCredentials() {
           // return the defaults headers

        * @return the values of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
        default String accessControlAllowOrigin() {
           // return the defaults headers

        * @return the values of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods
        default String accessControlAllowMethods() {
           // return the defaults headers

RESTHeart uses those methods to return the CORS headers. Overriding the methods allow to set or add custom CORS headers.