Before running the example

The following example assume:

  • RESTHeart Platform running on the localhost with the default configuration: the database restheart is bound to /, the user admin exists with default password secret, gql-apps is the collection, within restheart database, reserved to GraphQL apps definitions and the GraphQL service is reachable at /graphql.

  • The sample-mflix database (see Load Sample Data into MongoDB) is stored in the MongoDB instance associated to RESTHeart.

Execute on rest ninja doesn’t work with Safari because it requires HTTPS. Since configuring HTTPS requires a valid certificate and takes some time to configure, we suggest to just use Chrome or Firefox for this tutorial.

Create the GraphQL app

To create the gql-apps collection, run the following:

PUT /gql-apps HTTP/1.1

To upload the example GraphQL app definition, run the following:

POST /gql-apps HTTP/1.1

Request body

 "_id": "mflix-gql-def",
 "descriptor": {
   "description":"GraphQL App example using MongoDB sample_mflix dataset",
   "enabled": true,
   "schema": "type Stats { year: Int moviesNum: Int } type Comment { _id: ObjectId user: User movie: Movie text: String date: DateTime}type Movie{ _id: ObjectId title: String year: Int runtime: Int released: DateTime poster: String plot: String fullPlot: String lastUpdate: String filmType: String directors: [String] imdbRate: Float imdbVotes: Int countries: [String] genres: [String] tomatoesRate: Float tomatoesReviewsNum: Int comments(startDate: DateTime = \"-9223372036854775808\", endDate: DateTime = \"9223372036854775807\", sort: Int = 1, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 0): [Comment] relatedMovies: [Movie]}type Session{ _id: ObjectId user: User jwt: String} type Theater { theaterId: Int location: BsonDocument} type User{ _id: ObjectId name: String email: String comments(startDate: DateTime = \"-9223372036854775808\", endDate: DateTime = \"9223372036854775807\", sort: Int = 1, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 0): [Comment]}type Query{ MoviesByTitle(title: String!): [Movie] MoviesByYear(year: Int!, sort: Int = 1, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 0): [Movie] UserByEmail(email: String!): [User] StatsByTomatoesRateRange(min: Float max: Float = 10): [Stats] MoviesByTomatoesRateRange(min: Float, max: Float, sort: Int = 1, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 0):[Movie] TheatersByCity(city: String!, sort: Int = 1, skip: Int = 0, limit: Int = 0): [Theater] AllMovies(limit: Int = 10, skip: Int = 0): [Movie]}",
 "mappings": {
  "Comment": {
    "user": {
      "find": { "email": { "$fk":"email" } },
      "dataLoader": { "batching": true, "caching": true }
    "movie": {
      "find": { "_id": { "$fk":"movie_id" } },
      "dataLoader": { "batching": true, "caching": false, "maxBatchSize": 30 }
  "Movie": {
    "comments": {
      "find": { "$and": [{ "movie_id": { "$fk":"_id" } }, { "date": { "$gte": { "$arg":"startDate" }, "$lt": { "$arg":"endDate" } } }] },
      "sort": { "date": { "$arg":"sort" } },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }
  "Session": {
    "user": {
      "find": { "email": { "$fk":"user_id" } }
  "User": {
    "comments": {
      "find": { "email": { "$fk":"email" } },
      "sort": { "_id": { "$arg":"sort" } },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }
  "Query": {
    "StatsByTomatoesRateRange": {
      "db": "sample_mflix",
      "collection": "movies",
      "stages": [
        { "$match": { "imdb.rating": { "$gte": { "$arg":"min" }, "$lte": { "$arg":"max" } }, "year": { "$type": "int" } } },
        { "$group": { "_id": "$year", "moviesNum": { "$count": {} } } },
        { "$project": { "_id": 0, "year": "$_id", "moviesNum": 1} },
        { "$sort": { "year": 1 } }
    "MoviesByTitle": {
      "find": { "title": { "$arg":"title" } }
    "MoviesByYear": {
      "find": { "year": { "$arg":"year" } },
      "sort": { "_id": { "$arg":"sort" } },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }
    "UserByEmail": {
      "find": { "email": { "$arg":"email" } }
    "MoviesByTomatoesRateRange": {
      "find": { "tomatoes.viewer.rating": { "$gte": { "$arg":"min" }, "$lt": { "$arg":"max" } } },
      "sort": { "tomatoes.viewer.rating": { "$arg":"sort" }, "_id": 1 },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }
    "TheatersByCity": {
      "find": { "": { "$arg":"city" } },
      "sort": { "": { "$arg":"sort" } },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }
    "AllMovies": {
      "find": { },
      "sort": { "_id_": -1 },
      "skip": { "$arg":"skip" },
      "limit": { "$arg":"limit" }

query with application/json

To execute a GraphQL request to Mflix app with Content-Type application/json, run the following:

POST /graphql/mflix HTTP/1.1

Request body

   "query":"query exampleOperation($year: Int!, $limit: Int = 0){MoviesByYear(year: $year, limit: $limit){ title comments{ text user{name} date} tomatoesRate}}",
  "data": {
    "MoviesByYear": [
        "title": "The Bank Job",
        "comments": [
            "text": "Pariatur voluptatibus placeat quo architecto soluta non...",
            "user": {
              "name": "Shireen Baratheon"
            "date": {
              "$date": 954044557000
            "text": "Facilis ea voluptatem et velit rerum animi corrupti...",
            "user": {
              "name": "Lisa Russo"
            "date": {
              "$date": 976465077000
        "tomatoesRate": 3.5
        "title": "The Flyboys",
        "comments": [],
        "tomatoesRate": 3.6

query with application/graphql

To execute a GraphQL request to Mflix app with Content-Type application/graphql, run the following:

POST /graphql/mflix HTTP/1.1

Request body

    MoviesByTomatoesRateRange(min: 3.8, max: 4.5, limit: 3, skip: 20, sort: -1){
        comments {
            user { name }
  "data": {
    "MoviesByTomatoesRateRange": [
        "title": "The Wages of Fear",
        "comments": [
            "text": "Commodi accusamus totam eaque sunt. Nihil reiciendis commodi molestiae esse...",
            "user": {
              "name": "Doreah"
        "tomatoesRate": 4.4
        "title": "Chicago Deadline",
        "comments": [
            "text": "Nihil itaque a architecto. Illo veritatis totam at quibusdam. Doloremque...",
            "user": {
              "name": "Patricia Good"
        "tomatoesRate": 4.4
        "title": "The Passion of Joan of Arc",
        "comments": [],
        "tomatoesRate": 4.4